...is something I hope i can stop very soon, I really want to quit my job, but I can't, I need to eat :(.2 changes in my lifestyle this week
the first change wasn't going to be something like "find a new route to school", I can't do that, I would be late to every single starting class. However I did want a change of scenery, so I decided I'd go and check out York Lanes/Student Center
...I'm never eating that crap Pizza Pizza again, I didn't even have a clue that there was a Taco Bell around until I decided to go inside, it's kinda of a subtle change still...eating fast food is eating fast food, but it's only people who go to York who are there...that and some people from Seneca who are actually smart and go to the student center and try to pretend to go to York to get the girls...
but what I'm getting at is you see the difference in the type of people that go to York and the people taking much more enjoyable classes at Seneca...unless Science or whatever they teach at York is more fun to them then doing something actually cool. I noticed how York kids are always rushing to class, to get to the bus, they're always looking at you weird because you have a crazy nice beard, they seem like jerks, where as Seneca kids seem a bit less up tight, they're not running to get to class, or rushing to eat...maybe not the best example, but you see where I'm getting at.
again not something completely life altering...I reverted back to playing sega genesis...
didn't grow up with Mario, I grew up with Sonic. I started playing some of the old games I use to have again, like Golden Axe, MK3, Comic Zone, Vectorman, NHL 94', and then I realized...
why I loved these games, because they're freakin fun. It wasn't because of the great written stories, it wasn't because of the completely realistic bump mapping or awesome gore and blood, it was just because they were really fun, and addictive games. I was playing Comic Zone before I realized I had to finish my blog before Sunday afternoon hahaha. Not a lot of people are making games that are just fun anymore, they need all crazy effects and animations when they should be foucusing more on how the game feels in your hands, how it plays, how fun it is.
Taking Notice
I started paying attention to all the signs I encountered everyday, and I'm not sure counting how many I saw is at all practical so I'll simply say, we're bombarded by signs everywhere, everyday; on the road(STOP),
sitting on the bus (please vacate when asked, push yellow strip to request stop, this bus is driven by a professional),
while eating at York Lanes (no interac! sorry!),
before going into class (No Games, srsly!),
the Learning Commons (again no games people!),
going into the mall (UPPER CANADA MALL),
before going to work (Employees Only!),
In the lunch room before punching into work (SHIFTS POSTED = SHIFTS WORKED)..
you get it yet?
without signs...well how will we know...anything?
wow, I hope Joe likes reading as much as he loves ninjas and one liners.